Couldn’t have said it better myself, so I’ll let Andy Bernard (from my favorite show the Office) say the words… “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”
These are the good old days, the moments in between, the ugga muggas, the hugs, the giggles, the little things like how they say something or how they smile when they see you smile. It’s the important work, moms + dads. The hard…HEART WORK. Soak this season up, WHATEVER season you are in. Don’t take a second for granted and squeeze your people tight.
It was an honor to photograph this beautiful family and it was an extra fun session because Ashley is also an extremely talented photographer whom I’ve admired for years. I’ve looked up to Ashley D Photography since before I even began photographing, but last night I got to witness her as a mama and oh my gooooodness does she love her babies something fierce! What a privilege it was to photograph this family and the location was so worth the drive for this whimsical aesthetic 😍