Welcome (back) to the blog! Holla….HOLLABACK! Started blogging in 2011 as a high school student and a decade later… OH MY GOSH! TEN years later (don’t know how that happened) here I am, bringing it back!
The last five years of just picking up a camera, taking a risk, and buying a website domain in college, to finally making Oh Miss a full-time job has been the hardest, but most rewarding experience in my life. This past year was hard but nonetheless challenged me in so many ways. For me, challenges mean learning, and learning means growing. It was time to renovate the website and bring back the blog. Time to share glimpses of stories I get the privilege of capturing and hopefully, maybe, if I stay organized a bit…sharing bits and pieces of my heart because after all, that’s what my blog was ten years ago – nothing photo in mind (at the time!), all heart, all learning, all growing.
So, here we are! Let’s bring this baby back! A huge thank you to my mom for always keeping a camera in my face as I grew up and for the many writing tutors she made me go to, even though I know I complained a whole lot. Looks like mamas are always right, ha. Also, A BIG THANK YOU TO ARIEL of Ariel Kuhn Creative for first and foremost being my friend, but also for making a website that reflects the heart of who I am. You are a GEM, a true treasure. I am so thankful!